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Carolinas Healthcare System

Transforming a disconnected employee culture into one of strength and community. 

Carolinas HealthCare System Case Study | Priide

Employee Engagement & Employee Recognition

| The Plan |

Emotionally connect teammates of the Carolinas HealthCare System by leveraging the personal stories of teammates which represent departments across the system. Using the CHS Employee Brand “Priide, It’s in everything we do”, unite the storylines through videos posted and shared with the 60,000 team members on Yammer.


| The Goal | 

Create a sense of belonging, pride and while fostering a strong culture where more teammates will come forward and share their own stories of “Priide, It’s in everything we do.” Sustain employee engagement survey through the launch of the campaign prior to the survey release.


| What We Did | 

LaineGabriel and CHS refreshed the Employer Brand both visually and contextually within the newly adopted Mission, Vision and Values. With approval from Leadership, we introduced a groundbreaking visual style on the cutting-edge of healthcare branding. This creative approach aligned with CHS and their desire to showcase innovation and dedication towards their team members. This campaign and technique allowed for a unique approach that emotionally resonated with employees and created a deeper connection and fostered a stronger culture and sense of purpose. 

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|How We Did It |

Refreshing the employer brand was just the beginning. Establishing a purpose for the teammates video storyline was key to emotionally connecting CHS and their 60,000 teammates. Our viewers needed to temporarily step outside their job position and see what makes CHS a living, breathing organization. Our featured teammates took us on a “day-in-the-life-of” journey working at CHS. Using innovative Go-Pro technology, paired with traditional video techniques, our viewers got an unprecedented look into different aspects of working at Carolinas HealthCare System. Leveraging CHS’s Purpose, Mission, Vision and Values, we sustained this campaign platform through the video launch with posters and and table tents through the Engagement Survey. CHS reported consistent data over the previous year and were excited with the submission results.

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