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Titanic Opportunity


Near, far, wherever you are, we are all diving into the chilly depths of analyzing how to raise the spirits of our employees, build confidence in returning to the workplace, and giving everyone a seat on the lifeboat.

Wordplay aside, we are thrilled to be hosting Monica Weiler, Ph.D. of Stratos Innovation Group at our Relevant Workplace Conversation tomorrow at 4:30 pm, EST.

Monica is co-founder and CEO of Stratos Innovation Group and holds a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering, specializing in Customer Experience Research and Organizational Change Management. 

We will be discussing the #codesign approach to help organizations 'return to the workplace.' And how to create physical, emotional, and social safety during this transition and become a relevant workplace.

Hope to see you there.

#jointheconversation #socialgathering #shapethefuture #therelevantworkplace #lainegabriel #culturebuilding #employeeexperience #designthinking