: ) Blog

Create Safely


Well, COVID-19 has thrown us all for a bit of a loop, hasn't it? But we know as well as you, we can't stop everything we are doing. Many of us are working from home, using up data plans as we plan for what's next.

At LaineGabriel, we have moved to remote operation. Our team is connected 24 hours a day through WiFi and fiber optic cable instead of around our stainless steel coffee pot.

What does that mean to you?

It means LaineGabriel is here for you. Not just in the best of times, but in these uncertain times as well. 

If you have to communicate with your employees, get the word out to your customers, and strategize for what's ahead, we are here for you. 

For what's next.

Don't hesitate to call, even if you just need to talk. We are all in this thing together.

Hope to see you soon
: / Insert ad for zoom conferencing services here : / 

Your creative partners at LaineGabriel 

#COVID19 #SocialDistancing #Design #marketing #columbusohio#lainegabriel